Boring, boring BORING!!! Nicky ISN’T... And here's why YOU shouldn’t be either.
Wow. Just wow!!
Another fabulous EBA Live but this time with particular added personal interest.
This month’s guest speaker was none other than the inimitable Nicky Pattinson. Public speaker and communications expert, Nicky’s compelling techniques over the years have been responsible for selling a whopping $10 million worth of ice to Eskimos. OK... that’s not exactly true... but you get the general idea as to just how commercially powerful her insights in communication are.
Nicky worked with us years ago and we’ve been friends ever since, acquiring lots of mutual friends along the way, such as Richard McCann, Danny Matharu and more recently our friend and client, EBA founder Craig Wilkinson.
After a terrific morning of networking with 100+ entrepreneurs and business owners, and being treated to a full-on coaching session from Craig, Nicky picked up the afternoon slot.
And oh boy did she command the stage! Think of a flurry of pigeons in Trafalgar Square, gobbling up every priceless grain of information... that was the entire audience... eating out of the palm of her hand. Throat-tightening moments of sadness interspersed with proper belly laughs, all sitting amongst the real gems of inspiration for us all to take home and implement within our businesses and lives.
And I’ll share THE absolute top tip on communication with you...
Use ‘trance’ language, be boring, be impersonal, and be predictable... and get DELETED!!! A fast- track to TRASH!
What a complete eyeopener! Check out her website to see her in action, sign-up to her online course or better still - try to see her live! Yesterday, fellow speaker, Chris Robinson, described Nicky’s keynote as ‘THE BEST I HAVE EVER SEEN’, so if you can make it – DO IT!
For those of you in business, come and join us at one of the upcoming EBA Live events and get the knowledge for yourself, first hand next time.